
Why Us

Safety. Keeping things private. Confidence. The way it's supposed to be.

Privacy is very important. We don't use your personal information for our benefit. When you use EazySecure, you are our customer, not a product we exploit. We are open, honest, and clear in everything we do; unlike other security companies that often keep you in the dark about how your system functions, we take pleasure in explaining and showing you exactly how it all works. Our main goal is to help you completely understand your system, so you can have better control and solve any issues if something goes wrong. Furthermore, our background is in security. Many companies offer home automation services, but with EazySecure and Alarm.com, we have a strong history of prioritizing security. You can trust us to manage your entire network of integrated smart home products.

Take Charge

Get what you need when you want it. No pushy salespeople. No waiting around. No tricks. EazySecure gives you full control at your fingertips.

Manage Your Expenses

Traditional security systems can be pricey, mainly due to equipment installation and maintenance. They often trap you in long contracts that end up costing you more. At EazySecure, we make it simple. You can set up your own gear, or if you already have Alarm.com-compatible equipment, you can switch to our service hassle-free, saving you money.


Call the Shots on Monitoring

You decide how to watch over your security system. Go for Self-Monitoring and receive alerts via text, email, or push notifications on your computer, tablet, or phone. With cameras and sensors, you can keep an eye on things all the time.

Or opt for Professional Monitoring, our Certified service. Get 24/7 support from trained operators and speedy responses to alarms. You'll know experts are handling any issues.

Choose Your Equipment

EazySecure focuses on service, not hardware, so you can pick from Alarm.com-compatible equipment like Qolsys, 2GIG, DSC, Interlogix, and more. We support top-quality, dependable hardware. Whether you're starting fresh or upgrading, we offer proven security gear.

Call the Shots on Terms

No contracts. No sales pressure. No tricks. With EazySecure, alarm monitoring is month-to-month right from the start. Adjust your plan, add features, or cancel anytime without penalties. Your equipment isn't tied to us, so you can use it elsewhere without worry.

Control It All in One App

EazySecure goes beyond just security. Our service transforms your home into a smart, connected space, all from one phone app.

  • Adjust Your Thermostat
  • Control Lights
  • See Visitors With Our Video Doorbell
  • Manage Locks and Garage Access
  • Link Carbon Monoxide and Smoke Detectors for Fast Emergency Response
  • Detect Floods Early
  • Get Alerts if Your Heat Fails
  • Control Irrigation With Rain Bird and Rachio Irrigation Control
  • Operate Lutron Window Shades
  • Listen to Sonos and Legrand Audio
  • Even Handle Your NEST Thermostat